Thursday, June 15, 2017

9 Prayers To Pray Over Your Wife

Husbands, this is a call to action!

Prayer has immeasurable capabilities to transform the reality around us. Prayer moves the hand of God. Through our prayers He moves, transforms, and heals us.

I love this quote: “Without Him we can’t, and without us He won’t.” Meaning, we are the hands and feet of the Lord. He is our strength and power, but He demands our participation.

We are called to be the hands and feet, and this starts in prayer.

Here are 9 prayers you can pray over your wife.

Her Friendships 
Dear Lord, thank you for the friendship I have with my wife. I ask that it deepens in closeness and oneness as the years pass. I pray that I grow in knowledge so I may love her better. Lord, I ask that my wife (Audrey) has girlfriends that are encouraging, uplifting and followers of Jesus. I want her to feel safe and secure when she hangs out with them. I pray that they are a source of joy in her life, filling her up with laughter and positive memories to treasure forever. I Pray that she has older women friends that lead her in wisdom, faith, and maturity. Jesus, I ask that you continue to nurture Audrey’s new friendships, and bring more depth to the old friendships. May she lead by example in her friendships. In Jesus name, amen.

Jesus, you are the prince of peace! Thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit I pray that you grant Audrey with a peace beyond all understanding. That she feels safe and calm in circumstances where it doesn’t make sense. Holy Spirit give Audrey the ability to see through her struggles and set her sights and mind on you. I pray that she reacts first with prayer, and that she casts all her worries, fears, and doubts at the foot of your cross. May Audrey be marked by her peace. 1 Peter 5:7. Holy Spirit fill Audrey up with your presence. I pray that Audrey always pursues peace and that she will be known as a peacemaker. Let peace rule in her heart. Colossians 3:15. Jesus I pray that Audrey adopts (and continues to adopt) a heart of thankfulness, and through her thankfulness rests in peace because of your provision. In Jesus name, Amen.

Dear Lord, I pray for Audrey’s confidence. That it is unshaken by the critics of this world. I pray that she finds her value, beauty and worth in you alone. Give her a confidence in her Identity that cannot be overlooked by others. I pray that in her confidence Audrey is a beacon for the broken and hurt that they might see you and your glory through her. Help me to also build up her confidence with words and actions. I pray that Audrey seeks to be nobody but herself, that she can live into the fullest version of herself according to your scriptures, your plan for her life, and design for our family. I pray that she’ll be filled with joy knowing that she has confidence in herself, and who she is becoming. Jesus thank you for a wife that seeks after you, I pray that together we can grow in our confidence of you, and be unshaken as we grow into our truest identities which are rooted in you. In Jesus name, amen.

Jesus, you are worthy to be praised! I pray for Audrey and her safety. Keep her healthy and safe as she lives out each day. I pray for protection over her mind as she reads things on the internet, and encounters false teachings. Holy Spirit, protect her mind and keep her nudged in the correct direction towards truth. Jesus, I pray the full armor and shield of protection over Audrey. I pray that she is blessed with good health and a body that functions to its fullest potential. I pray that I am able to provide for and protect her so that she feels well cared for, safe, treasured, and protected. Jesus, I pray for wisdom and leadership as I have been tasked with washing her with the Word (Ephesians 5:26) that you grant me a pure heart, and wisdom. Jesus, protect my wife from all spiritual attacks. Protect her against the efforts of the evil one and his affiliates. You called us to walk as children of the light (1 Thessalonians 5:5) and I pray that you protect the mind, heart, body and soul of Audrey as she strives to do just that. In Jesus name, Amen.

Lord thank you for who Audrey is. Thank you for making her exactly who she is, and who she will be. Your work is so beautiful, thank you for entrusting me with the protection of Audrey. I pray for her body, mind, and spirit when she enters motherhood. I pray that the transition into motherhood is a seamless and healthy adventure. Give Audrey extra strength, endurance, and patience through that time. I know she will be an amazing mother, and I ask that she be filled with value, beauty, and worth. Protect her emotions during that time and help me even further lose all selfishness so I can serve her and our family to the best of my abilities. In Jesus name, amen.

Lord, I pray that nothing will ever cause Audrey to be fearful or terrified. I pray that she will never lose control of her emotions and fall into fear out of anxiety or stress. I pray that Audrey always remains strong in her faith and that it will stand as a hedge against any unnecessary fears. Giver her a mind of discernment that cuts through all the noise so she won’t be dismantled or misguided from lack of direction. I pray that in all situations Audrey will act out of inspiration from the Holy Spirit and not of her flesh. Jesus, I pray that I can provide to the best of my abilities a safe environment for her, help me become the man I am supposed to be in order to do this. In Jesus name, amen.

Lord, you are truth. We believe in you and your Word. I pray that Audrey’s foundation in never shaken. That she stands strong in her faith all her life and grows into a shining light for your kingdom and purposes. Lord, I pray that the reality of your existence is always tangible and made clear to Audrey. I pray that truth is discerned and made known to her. I pray that through wisdom and discernment she can successfully relay the reality of truth to friends, family and the world who do not know you, in a way that is receivable. Give her the ability to point people to you, for the sake of truth Lord. I pray for the hearts of people lost in life that their souls are convicted so that that may come to know you and that Audrey can be a vehicle for your works. May Audrey be a kingdom warrior for your reality, and the promised kingdom to come. In Jesus name, amen.

Dear heavenly father, I pray for the heart of Audrey that she will always feel loved by me. Help me understand her more and on deeper levels as the days go by so I can love her the way she needs and wants to be loved. Help me become a man that loves her like Christ loved the church. Jesus, I pray that Audrey always feels loved by you. That she never forgets what you did for her. I pray that the reality that you are coming back is enough to motivate her to pursue a relationship with you and fall deeply in love with you. Lord, I pray that love abounds in her so she can permeate love and freely give it away because she is constantly filled up with it. In Jesus name, amen.

Dear Lord, grant Audrey wisdom. I pray that she is daily filled with understanding and wisdom. I pray that as she grows in her apprenticeship of you Jesus that she will understand the things of the spirit and continually grow into a Godly woman. I pray that she continually asks for wisdom and understanding, for you say that you will grant it to those that ask (James 1:5). Lord, I pray that Audrey has discernment with the wisdom you entrust her with, that she uses it wisely and effectively. I pray that Audrey always has older women around her that will mentor her, build her up and speak wisdom into her. I pray that as Audrey spends time in the word that you speak to her and in her. I pray that she is always more concerned with the work that you are doing in her than through her so that she can one day be an example to new believers. Lord thank you for the mind of my wife and her passion to know you. In Jesus name, amen.

[written by Jeremy Roloff, married to Audrey Roloff]

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