Sunday, February 17, 2019

Driver Emerges Alive From This Horrible Accident (Photos)

Miraculous escape! A driver who was involved in a crash with a truck had a narrow escape after his car was almost completely crushed against a motorway’s central reservation on Sunday.

The incident happened on the I-70 highway in Ohio, United States of America.

The fire department for Bethel Township in Ohio in the United States, shared images of the incident, which they described as a “significant entrapment”, after an accident in heavy snow.

Pictures show the rear of the car lofted high into the air while the roof, including the area where passengers and driver would be seated, was almost flattened between the truck and concrete wall.

“There were no serious injuries and weather did play a significant role in the crash,” the fire department reported in a later post.

The driver was taken to hospital but is expected to be fine.

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